Before you enter this site, ask yourself the following questions..
1. Do you think folx who are LGBTQ do not deserve to be allowed to legally marry or have kids together? If you answer YES, then you do not belong at the Denver Sanctuary.
2. Do you think individuals should be allowed to refuse to provide a government service or medical care to someone because of that person's sexual orientation or gender because their religious beliefs tell them they have that right? If you say YES, then you will totally understand when I say you do not belong at the Denver Sanctuary.
3. Do you think there are only 2 genders and what body parts you are born with determine gender? If you say YES then you need to get your head out of your ass and do some studies in biology, anthropology and sociology. You also do not belong at the Denver Sanctuary.
4. Do you think you are better than anyone else because of the color of your skin? If you say YES, you do not belong at the Denver Sanctuary.
5. Is your response to Black Lives Matter 'All Lives Matter' or 'Blue Lives Matter'? If you say YES, then you DEFINITELY do not belong at the Denver Sanctuary.
5. Do you think that whatever deity you worship allows you to dictate what someone else does or does not do with their body through laws and public policy? If you answer YES, you do not need to come to the Denver Sanctuary.
6. Do you support Trump in any way shape or form? If you do, please STAY AWAY FROM the Denver Sanctuary. He is a misogynistic rapist who does not give a rats fuck about consent. Consent is the very basis of what we do in the world of BDSM, If you support him, I cannot trust you in my club. Period.
If you answered NO to all the above questions, feel free to check out if the Denver Sanctuary is right for you.
FOLX is the future of queer healthcare. Allbirds is the future of go. Allbirds is the future of go. The Most Important Entrepreneurs of the Decade. NDM 免费多线程下载工具利器中文版 - 替代 IDM / Folx / 迅雷 (支持网页视频下载) 网络软件 Win, Mac, 浏览器扩展 2020-07-26 35 下载. Since our opening in 1980, Hunters Nightclub has been a welcoming space celebrating diversity and the multiple identities and experiences of all folx. We recognize ourselves in the Black Lives Matter Global Network collective efforts. We stand firmly in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter. With Love and Respect.
- My new shop will be up by mid January. I have window/ clear masks which makes it more accessible to Deaf and Hard of Hearing folx! These are also good for people who use whatever language that you use as a second language (or 3rd or 4th, etc.!). They can also be good for if you work with children or as a therapist and you need to be able to communicate your emotions more!
- March 19, 2019 Clip Of We Want to Do More Than Survive This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN. User Clip: Co-Conspirators.
by yolie1102
June 24, 20192019-04-20T20:57:16-04:00 Love vividly explains the difference between allies and co-conspirators in the fight for justice.
Bettina Love vividly explains the difference between allies and co-conspirators in the fight for justice.
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*This transcript was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning.
People in this video
- Genevieve DeBose AkinnagbeLiterary CoachPartnership for Los Angeles Schools
- Yolanda Sealey-RuizAssociate ProfessorColumbia University->Teachers College
Hosting Organization
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black CultureSchomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
User Created Clips from This Video
User Clip: Dr. Bettina Love explains what she means by a co-conspirator
- 7 minutes
- 3 minutes
User Clip: Black Joy & Beacon Hill
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- 2 minutes