Audio Hijack Pro Torrent

  1. Audio Hijack Pro
  2. Audio Hijack Pro Torrent
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UDP is often used with time-sensitive applications, such as audio/video streaming and realtime gaming, where dropping some packets is preferable to waiting for delayed data. When troubleshooting unknown open ports, it is useful to find exactly what services/processes are listening to them. Local or International? We leverage cloud and hybrid datacenters, giving you the speed and security of nearby VPN services, and the ability to leverage services provided in a remote location. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.


known port assignments and vulnerabilities
6881 tcpapplicationsGames using this port:
Age of Conan
World of Tanks
World of Warcraft (WoW) Downloader
ABC (a.k.a. Yet Another Bittorrent Client), BitTorrent P2P traffic, Azureus P2P traffic (6881-6889)
6881-6887 tcp,udpBitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often (unofficial)Wikipedia
6881 tcpbittorrentBit Torrent P2PSANS
6881-6889 tcp,udpapplicationsAge of ConanPortforward
6881 tcpapplicationsAzureusPortforward
3724,6112,6881-6999 tcpapplicationsWorld of Warcraft DownloaderPortforward
6881 tcpbittorrent-trackerBitTorrent trackerNmap
6869-6887 tcp,udpUnassignedIANA
8 records found
When troubleshooting unknown open ports, it is useful to find exactly what services/processes are listening to them. This can be accomplished in both Windows command prompt and Linux variants using the 'netstat -aon' command. We also recommend runnig multiple anti-virus/anti-malware scans to rule out the possibility of active malicious software. For more detailed and personalized help please use our forums.

Audio Hijack Pro


Audio Hijack Pro Torrent

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Related Links:

Audio Hijack Pro Torrent Gratuit

  • SG Ports Database » Vulnerable Ports
  • SG Security Scan » Scanned Ports » Commonly Open Ports