Install Docker On Azure Linux Vm

In this article. Applies to: Azure Stack HCI, version 20H2; Windows Server 2019. This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure an NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU) with Azure Stack HCI using Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) technology for an Ubuntu virtual machine (VM). In this blog, we will create a sample ASP.NET MVC Core Web application and deploy it on Azure Linux VM using Docker. Create a new Blank Solution. Add new project by right-clicking on Solution file. There are many ways you can manage Azure, for example, by using the Azure PowerShell, Cloud Shell, or many other tools. One of them is the Azure CLI, which is a command-line tool providing a management experience for Azure resources. In this blog post, I will show you how you can download, install, and update the Azure CLI on Windows with a simple PowerShell one-liner. Installation First, if. If you're a Mac or Windows user, the Docker Toolbox will install Docker Machine v0.16.2 for you, alongside the latest versions of the Docker Engine, Compose and Kitematic. Get started with Docker Machine and a local VM Estimated reading time: 13 minutes Let’s take a look at using docker-machine to create, use and manage a Docker host inside of a local virtual machine.


This article provides details on installing the Log Analytics agent on Linux computers using the following methods:

  • Install the agent for Linux using a wrapper-script hosted on GitHub. This is the recommended method to install and upgrade the agent when the computer has connectivity with the Internet, directly or through a proxy server.
  • Manually download and install the agent. This is required when the Linux computer does not have access to the Internet and will be communicating with Azure Monitor or Azure Automation through the Log Analytics gateway.


The installation methods described in this article are typically used for virtual machines on-premises or in other clouds. See Installation options for more efficient options you can use for Azure virtual machines.

Supported operating systems

See Overview of Azure Monitor agents for a list of Linux distributions supported by the Log Analytics agent.

Install Docker On Azure Linux Vmware


OpenSSL 1.1.0 is only supported on x86_x64 platforms (64-bit) and OpenSSL earlier than 1.x is not supported on any platform.


Running the Log Analytics Linux Agent in containers is not supported. If you need to monitor containers, please leverage the Container Monitoring solution for Docker hosts or Container insights for Kubernetes.

Starting with versions released after August 2018, we are making the following changes to our support model:

  • Only the server versions are supported, not client.
  • Focus support on any of the Azure Linux Endorsed distros. Note that there may be some delay between a new distro/version being Azure Linux Endorsed and it being supported for the Log Analytics Linux agent.
  • All minor releases are supported for each major version listed.
  • Versions that have passed their manufacturer's end-of-support date are not supported.
  • Only support VM images; containers, even those derived from official distro publishers' images, are not supported.
  • New versions of AMI are not supported.
  • Only versions that run OpenSSL 1.x by default are supported.


If you are using a distro or version that is not currently supported and doesn't align to our support model, we recommend that you fork this repo, acknowledging that Microsoft support will not provide assistance with forked agent versions.

Python requirement

Starting from Agent version 1.13.27, the Linux Agent will support both Python 2 and 3. We always recommend using the latest agent.

If you are using an older version of the agent, you must have the Virtual Machine use Python 2 by default. If your virtual machine is using a distro that doesn't include Python 2 by default then you must install it. The following sample commands will install Python 2 on different distros.

  • Red Hat, CentOS, Oracle: yum install -y python2
  • Ubuntu, Debian: apt-get install -y python2
  • SUSE: zypper install -y python2

The python2 executable must be aliased to python. Following is one method that you can use to set this alias:

  1. Run the following command to remove any existing aliases.

  2. Run the following command to create the alias.

Install Docker On Azure Linux Vm

Supported Linux hardening

The OMS Agent has limited customization support for Linux.

The following are currently supported:

  • FIPs

The following are in consideration but not yet supported:

  • CIS

Other hardening and customization methods are not supported nor planned for OMS Agent.

Agent prerequisites

The following table highlights the packages required for supported Linux distros that the agent will be installed on.

Install docker on azure linux vm server
Required packageDescriptionMinimum version
GlibcGNU C Library2.5-12
OpensslOpenSSL Libraries1.0.x or 1.1.x
CurlcURL web client7.15.5
Python2.7 or 3.6+
PAMPluggable Authentication Modules


Either rsyslog or syslog-ng are required to collect syslog messages. The default syslog daemon on version 5 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Oracle Linux version (sysklog) is not supported for syslog event collection. To collect syslog data from this version of these distributions, the rsyslog daemon should be installed and configured to replace sysklog.

Network requirements

See Log Analytics agent overview for the network requirements for the Linux agent.

Install Docker On Azure Linux Vmax

Agent install package

The Log Analytics agent for Linux is composed of multiple packages. The release file contains the following packages, which are available by running the shell bundle with the --extract parameter:

omsagent1.13.9The Log Analytics Agent for Linux
omsconfig1.1.1Configuration agent for the Log Analytics agent
omi1.6.4Open Management Infrastructure (OMI) -- a lightweight CIM Server. Note that OMI requires root access to run a cron job necessary for the functioning of the service
scx1.6.4OMI CIM Providers for operating system performance metrics
apache-cimprov1.0.1Apache HTTP Server performance monitoring provider for OMI. Only installed if Apache HTTP Server is detected.
mysql-cimprov1.0.1MySQL Server performance monitoring provider for OMI. Only installed if MySQL/MariaDB server is detected.
docker-cimprov1.0.0Docker provider for OMI. Only installed if Docker is detected.

Agent installation details

After installing the Log Analytics agent for Linux packages, the following additional system-wide configuration changes are applied. These artifacts are removed when the omsagent package is uninstalled.

  • A non-privileged user named: omsagent is created. The daemon runs under this credential.
  • A sudoers include file is created in /etc/sudoers.d/omsagent. This authorizes omsagent to restart the syslog and omsagent daemons. If sudo include directives are not supported in the installed version of sudo, these entries will be written to /etc/sudoers.
  • The syslog configuration is modified to forward a subset of events to the agent. For more information, see Configure Syslog data collection.

On a monitored Linux computer, the agent is listed as omsagent. omsconfig is the Log Analytics agent for Linux configuration agent that looks for new portal side configuration every 5 minutes. The new and updated configuration is applied to the agent configuration files located at /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/conf/omsagent.conf.

Install the agent using wrapper script

The following steps configure setup of the agent for Log Analytics in Azure and Azure Government cloud using the wrapper script for Linux computers that can communicate directly or through a proxy server to download the agent hosted on GitHub and install the agent.

If your Linux computer needs to communicate through a proxy server to Log Analytics, this configuration can be specified on the command line by including -p [protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]. The protocol property accepts http or https, and the proxyhost property accepts a fully qualified domain name or IP address of the proxy server.

For example:

If authentication is required in either case, you need to specify the username and password. For example:

  1. To configure the Linux computer to connect to a Log Analytics workspace, run the following command providing the workspace ID and primary key. The following command downloads the agent, validates its checksum, and installs it.

    The following command includes the -p proxy parameter and example syntax when authentication is required by your proxy server:

  2. To configure the Linux computer to connect to Log Analytics workspace in Azure Government cloud, run the following command providing the workspace ID and primary key copied earlier. The following command downloads the agent, validates its checksum, and installs it.

    The following command includes the -p proxy parameter and example syntax when authentication is required by your proxy server:

  3. Restart the agent by running the following command:

Install the agent manually

The Log Analytics agent for Linux is provided in a self-extracting and installable shell script bundle. This bundle contains Debian and RPM packages for each of the agent components and can be installed directly or extracted to retrieve the individual packages. One bundle is provided for x64 and one for x86 architectures.


For Azure VMs, we recommend you install the agent on them using the Azure Log Analytics VM extension for Linux.

  1. Download and transfer the appropriate bundle (x64 or x86) to your Linux VM or physical computer, using scp/sftp.

  2. Install the bundle by using the --install argument. To onboard to a Log Analytics workspace during installation, provide the -w <WorkspaceID> and -s <workspaceKey> parameters copied earlier.


    You need to use the --upgrade argument if any dependent packages such as omi, scx, omsconfig or their older versions are installed, as would be the case if the system Center Operations Manager agent for Linux is already installed.

  3. To configure the Linux agent to install and connect to a Log Analytics workspace through a Log Analytics gateway, run the following command providing the proxy, workspace ID, and workspace key parameters. This configuration can be specified on the command line by including -p [protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]. The proxyhost property accepts a fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Log Analytics gateway server.

    If authentication is required, you need to specify the username and password. For example:

  4. To configure the Linux computer to connect to a Log Analytics workspace in Azure Government cloud, run the following command providing the workspace ID and primary key copied earlier.

If you want to install the agent packages and configure it to report to a specific Log Analytics workspace at a later time, run the following command:

If you want to extract the agent packages from the bundle without installing the agent, run the following command:

Upgrade from a previous release

Upgrading from a previous version, starting with version 1.0.0-47, is supported in each release. Perform the installation with the --upgrade parameter to upgrade all components of the agent to the latest version.

Cache information

Data from the Log Analytics agent for Linux is cached on the local machine at %STATE_DIR_WS%/out_oms_common.buffer* before it's sent to Azure Monitor. Custom log data is buffered in %STATE_DIR_WS%/out_oms_blob.buffer*. The path may be different for some solutions and data types.

The agent attempts to upload every 20 seconds. If it fails, it will wait an exponentially increasing length of time until it succeeds: 30 seconds before the second attempt, 60 seconds before the third, 120 seconds ... and so on up to a maximum of 16 minutes between retries until it successfully connects again. The agent will retry up to 6 times for a given chunk of data before discarding and moving to the next one. This continues until the agent can successfully upload again. This means that data may be buffered up to approximately 30 minutes before being discarded.

The default cache size is 10 MB but can be modified in the omsagent.conf file.

Next steps

  • Review Managing and maintaining the Log Analytics agent for Windows and Linux to learn about how to reconfigure, upgrade, or remove the agent from the virtual machine.

  • Review Troubleshooting the Linux agent if you encounter issues while installing or managing the agent.